Hike, bears, and snow
We had a morning brunch with Jenn, Dennis and Scott, yummy! Then, Tucker and I headed out to Point Grey to visit an apartment on behalf of Lara and Charles. We both thought that the place would be perfect for them, lots of room, nice neighborhood. After, we picked up Dennis and headed out to Grouse Mountain. We climbed the Grind, made record time (for me, it means 1h16m) in really cold weather, had some hot chocolates at the lodge, walked around the mountain and went to visit the bears (through a mini snow blizzard) who live on Grouse. That was the closest we ever wanted to come to grizzly bears!
Then, we drove down to North Vancouver and visited a new "village" mall that opened up not too long ago. Tucker and I bought some bedsheets and a pepper mill at Home Sense, then Jenn came to meet us and we decided to have dinner at Cactus Club. The wait for a table was a bit long, but the food was quite tasty. We waited just long enough to avoid being outside as a hail storm was hitting the city, and drove back to Vancouver. Needless to say that we fell asleep not too long after arriving home. It was quite the busy day!

Warming up after the Grind