A Frog in BC

Hopefully clever comments about life in Vancouver, B.C. as lived by a French girl from Montreal

Saturday, August 09, 2008

I guess it's official now

I am moving back to Montreal in September. Well, OK, not exactly in September because I really only plan to be in town for a few hours on September 10, before leaving for 17 days in Greece. However, when I return from Greece on the 27, my final destination will be Montreal.

After almost six years living in Vancouver (October 26 would have been my sixth year anniversary), I can honestly say that the decision to move back was not taken lightly. It represents a major change and I know that I am moving away from so many amazing friendships and incredible outdoors experiences. I will truly miss my friends from Vancouver, but I felt this was the right thing to do at this point in my life. It also helps that I have been offered a job that I'm extremely interested in. Nothing I have come across in Vancouver and in Montreal stirred my interest like this position. I'm excited.

I will continue working at my current job until Friday. The word has started going around the office that I'm leaving and it's heart-warming to see how people are genuinely sad to see me go. I have amazing colleagues, they've helped me keep sane while dealing with some of the crazy realities of work. After three years, we feel comfortable together and we work efficiently, because we know each other well. I hope I can build such meaningful work relationships in my next job.

Once I'm done with work, I have a few weeks to get things sorted out, pack my stuff and prepare for the move. Moving will be a lot easier this time. First, I'm not taking all my furniture back, as Annie is renting my place and keeping the essentials. When I find an apartment in Montreal, I'll use her furniture until she comes back from Vancouver. Also, I don't have to worry about where I'll be staying until I find my own place, as my parents have kindly offered me my old room back.

My challenge over the next few weeks will be to find the time to meet with friends, take in as much of the Vancouver sights as I can, work on my outdoors climbing skills (in preparation for Greece, where we hope to climb in Meteora), prepare the condo, and pack what I plan to bring back. I'm happy I decided to work only until the 15 because working until the end of the month would have meant a mad rush during the first 9 days of September.

Am I 100% sure that I am making the right decision by moving? No, there's obviously doubt. But I am trusting my gut instinct with this decision, as well as my heart, and both are pointing East.

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