A Frog in BC

Hopefully clever comments about life in Vancouver, B.C. as lived by a French girl from Montreal

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


When you get started, climbing is fairly easy. Pretty much anyone can climb up a wall and make it to the top. But then, as you try the harder routes, you see the limits of your technique. Brute force can get you up part of the way, but it can also get you injured. I cannot get past the 5.9 routes.

Tonight, I attended a movement class at The Edge in North Vancouver. I normally climb at Cliffhanger because I have a pass, but the classes are a lot less expensive at The Edge and people who have taken them say they really learned a lot.

Boy was I happy I attended this particular class. Climbing movement is not intuitive, so you need to think about how to position your body. But the minute you pick up the right movement, holding on seems so easy. You struggle less and you position yourself better for the next hold.

I'm planning to attend level 2 on Monday. After that, lots and lots of practice will be required to build the proper movements into my muscle memory.



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