A Frog in BC

Hopefully clever comments about life in Vancouver, B.C. as lived by a French girl from Montreal

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Detoxify your life

Two great resources I am using to identify offenders and plan their replacement:

The Environmental Working Group Skin Deep database for all personal care products (shampoo, deodorant, soap, lip balm, and so on). Enter the name of the products you use at home and you might be surprised by the results... not always in a good way :-(

The Labour Environmental Alliance Society's page on toxins in the household. This page lists eight common toxins that are found in household cleaning products and should be avoided. The site also includes a list of safe alternatives.

If you happen to discover that some of your favorite personal care products contain all kinds of nasty chemicals, why not write to the manufacturer and let them know that they just lost a customer. If enough people do this, eventually, someone will get the message...


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