A Frog in BC

Hopefully clever comments about life in Vancouver, B.C. as lived by a French girl from Montreal

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Doggie fashion

You know you are in Vancouver when some dogs have a larger wardrobe than most people, when businesses like doggie-daycares, doggie-bakeries and doggie-spas are booming and when, come Halloween, you can easily find a costume for your four-legged friend. No kidding.

My neighbor has a miniature Pincher (Doberman). The dog is a pain, it barks every time it sees me (or anyone else for that matter) and whines when left alone at home (fortunately, this almost never happens). This morning, I leave my place to come face to face (or feet to face in this case, the dog is so small) with a live Chia Pet. The dog is wearing a puffy, pink coat. "Nice coat," I said looking at the owner, also wearing pink. She smiles and says "Oh yeah, it's so ugly, but it's her favorite, she always wants to wear it."

The dog has no sense of fashion, if you ask me... It makes her butt look big.


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