A Frog in BC

Hopefully clever comments about life in Vancouver, B.C. as lived by a French girl from Montreal

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Minimal effort

It has been a tiring week and we're still a couple of days away from it being over. Tonight, I had the grand ambition of making it to the gym for a bit of cardio, but I figured that my body needed more rest than exercise. I am climbing twice a week anyways...

It's 8 and I'm ready for bed. Must have something to do with the 7 a.m. starts and the late nights, the cooler weather and the shorter days, my throat that is just borderline annoyed but not yet sore. Better not take any chances.

Recent outings to the climbing gym have been a blast, I'm dabbling in 5.9s and 5.10s, even climbing two routes in a row to increase my endurance. My hands are starting to get calluses again. I'm having too much fun.

I'll be asleep by 9.



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