Any excuse is good
How hard it's been today to stay focused on what I need to finish! I think my mind has already fast-forwarded to April, come back, come back!!! I still have two papers to write! Tonight, I am the Queen of Procrastination. I'm browsing the web, answering personal e-mails. At least I've completed my passport application (online) and will mail it tomorrow, after my dentist signs it. I heard it was 45 days before an application was processed these days. Maybe Lara, Gerri and I won't be going to Las Vegas in April after all. May's OK ;)
I was walking back from Kits on Broadway, when I felt something hitting me behind the head. Not hard, felt like someone just trying to get your attention with a good push of the hand. Except there wasn't anyone. Just a crow. It flew ahead of me and onto an awning. What? Stupid crow. Can't measure distances or was this on purpose? Then you start thinking all sorts of things: eewww, did it shit on me, drop something in my ponytail, is there something in my ponytail it was trying to grab?
I was walking back from Kits on Broadway, when I felt something hitting me behind the head. Not hard, felt like someone just trying to get your attention with a good push of the hand. Except there wasn't anyone. Just a crow. It flew ahead of me and onto an awning. What? Stupid crow. Can't measure distances or was this on purpose? Then you start thinking all sorts of things: eewww, did it shit on me, drop something in my ponytail, is there something in my ponytail it was trying to grab?
At 12:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Salut Mélissa,
Si tu consultes ta grand-mère Monique, qui a toujours été savante mais qui l'est encore plus avec son Doctorat en Histoire de l'Art (reçue avec la mention Excellent), elle te dira que les corneilles, loin d'être stupides, sont très intelligentes comme tous les membres de la famille des corvidae (geai beu, geai vert, magpie, pie, corbeau et corneille). Il s'agit des oiseaux les plus intelligents selon les ornithologues. Alors, elle t'a peut être fait un petit tour de corneille!
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