A Frog in BC

Hopefully clever comments about life in Vancouver, B.C. as lived by a French girl from Montreal

Sunday, February 11, 2007

What is your life about?

I ran a little experiment this morning: I went back through one year of posts and added labels to find out what were the topics I would regularly talk about. The result was somewhat revealing. The #1 label for my posts? "friends", with 27 posts. Now that's good, it reflects how important it is for me to spend time with my friends. Now let's look at the other labels I've used frequently:
  • "weather" (18): how Canadian ;)
  • "sick" (17): remember the coughing, pneumonia? I think I didn't use that label for the seizure, as it doesn't feel like a sickness to me...
  • "work" and "running" (16): I did run on a regular basis... last year. I won't even comment on the other label.
  • "MBA" (15): that's pretty high, considering that I've been in school only five months out of the past year.

I'm sad to see the following labels getting really low scores:

  • "pampering" (1): one facial. Period.
  • "personal finances" (1): I did my income taxes. Period.
  • "single life" (3): my last date was a long time ago. It wasn't that great.

You ask: why am I going through this exercise right now? Blame Lara. She came out for a walk with me yesterday (so beautiful outside) and we talked about work-life balance, relationships (she did all the talking there) and my failing miserably on a promise I made to myself a few years ago. My professional life is going really well, as I invest a significant amount of my time on my career and education. Which leaves no time for my personal life. And Lara said that I was purposefully keeping myself busy to avoid dealing with my personal life. OK, harsh, but not untrue. I told her I didn't know how to work on my personal life. I told her that working on my professional development was so easy, so straightforward, I naturally gravitated towards rational, structured, impersonal investments in myself.

A few years ago, she told me I had to make time to work on my personal life, stop cramming every day from morning 'till evening.

So yesterday, we talked about this again. Right now, I asked her? How am I going to make time right now? I'm too busy.

That's my point, she replied.

I understand. Except that I have no idea what to do about it, where to stop, where to cut. And honestly, I'm not really excited about the idea of dating. Call me jaded, but I haven't met anyone that really impressed me of lately. I feel that I've been mostly disappointed. But then again, I can't say that my sample can be statistically representative.

This is hard. Wanna talk about the weather?

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  • At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's uncanny how much I can relate to this post. The difference is you are actually writing it down. It is so hard to have a balanced professional and personal life. Lately, my focus has been on work and I see the payoff. I can't say the same about my personal life. I often have great ideas, but don't put them to action. Luckuly, we both have wonderful friends that are great motivators. For example, Fleur and I are organizing a St-Valentine dinner for our single friends. I don't think I would have done it on my own, but Fleur was so excited by the idea that we had to do it. We're planning a cheese fondue for eight with a chocolate fondue for dessert. Yummy !

  • At 4:03 PM, Blogger YaletownYuppie said…

    i have the exact opposite situation. I have been focusing on my personal life, and somewhat neglecting my work life. my personal life is going like gangbusters, while my career though rewarding, could be going alot better.

    don't feel bad about focusing on your career and work. that will provide you a rewarding and prosperous future with a little sacrifice today. and i'm sure that by doing something you really enjoy will draw others to you because you'll be more confident, happier and successful.

  • At 9:31 AM, Blogger Irene said…

    Hi Melissa, I totally hear you. The dating scene in Vancouver is not easy at all. And so far noone has been able to tell me the secret, so i'm stuck failing over and over. Any ideas to improve?


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