A Frog in BC

Hopefully clever comments about life in Vancouver, B.C. as lived by a French girl from Montreal

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Why do you blog?

Someone preparing a talk in Vancouver about why people blog wants to know what keeps you writing every week. It's pretty short...

Blogger finally got tired of my ignoring their pleas to upgrade and they have now forced me to move to the new version. What was wrong with the old version? I have had a series of annoying experiences recently with some of my automatic software upgrades and I'm tired of dealing with new versions that are worse than the previous. I updated my version of antivirus, it gave me an incomprehensible error message and then it took me several hours, including one with support, to find out that I had to remove the new version and re-install it. Somehow, the automatic installation didn't work.

Then, after being annoyed by iTunes to upgrade to their latest version (7.0), I finally did it and you know what? It SKIPS! Yes, like old records or a scratched CDs, my electronic music files (i.e. no moving parts) skip of I try to do anything else on the computer while they are playing. No browsing, no scrolling up and down the library... Give me a break! I found some information about the issue on the support site, apparently, I have to uninstall 7.0 and return to the previous version to fix the problem.

Blogger, don't let me down. My fuse is about to blow. Windows Vista? Yah, right.



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