A Frog in BC

Hopefully clever comments about life in Vancouver, B.C. as lived by a French girl from Montreal

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Pop culture blind spots

I was listening to DNTO (Definitely Not the Opera) on CBC yesterday and they were interviewing people about their pop culture blind spots. You know, the events/shows/books/music everyone seems to talk about and that you haven't heard/read or picked up. Here are my pop culture blind spots:
  • Although I read lots, I've never read any of the Harry Potter books. I have seen two of the movies though.
  • I've never watched a single episode of American or Canadian Idol (or the Quebec version, Star Académie).
  • I don't do text messages. The cell phone interface was never meant to write anything, even keying in people's names when I save their phone number is brutal, why would I want to write someone when I can use the same device to call them.
  • I've never seen a Monty Python show. People keep on quoting skits at work and I am clueless about what they are referring to.

What are your pop culture blind spots?

We are now one week past the half marathon and I still haven't gone out for a run. I'm taking this resting thing seriously :-) No worries, I plan to return to a regular working schedule this week, but I did enjoy being lazy for a few days.

On Friday, I did go out for a few hours of salsa dancing again. Unfortunately, the place was packed beyond what is reasonable, and after getting elbowed and haired (whacked across the face by someone spinning a full head of hair), I thought I had had enough of it and left around 11:30.

On Saturday morning, I had a meeting at the bank for an RRSP loan. With the contracting work I did between the two jobs, I wanted to max out my contributions. Then, I did some shopping, mostly house stuff and basics, cleaned the condo a bit, had a nap, and prepared myself for a concert in the evening. Annie's work, Les Jeunesses Musicales du Canada, was sending three very talented musicians all the way to Vancouver, there was no way I was going to miss the performance. And I also knew the clarinet player, Jean-Francois Normand, very well.

The concert was great, although there weren't that many of us in attendance. It was held at the Centre Culturel Francophone de Vancouver, a center I didn't know even existed and is located only a few minutes away from my place. Maybe the venue had to do with the poor showing, it's not a very known place. After the concert, we went out for a few drinks. It was fun to spend the entire evening chatting in French!

Today, I could've spent the entire day in my pajamas, if it wasn't for the fact that I was missing some food essentials. It was cold and rainy outside, unfortunately for Jean-Francois who probably wanted to visit Stanley Park this morning. I hope he went out anyways, the park is definitely worth the trouble.

The Olympics are now over and I haven't watched a single event. If I had TV, I would have probably watched a few hours here and there. We even had it on at work, in the family room. I always read about the results in the evening, on news web sites, but none of the short clips I could see included anything but stills with some voice-over, which is not very exciting.

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  • At 5:57 AM, Blogger Steve said…

    I listened to that DNTO show too, and thought it was pretty good. Most of my pop-culture blind spots relate to my lack of cable TV: I don't "get" a lot of HBO cult shows (Sopranos, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Deadwood, etc.) and embarking on the DVD releases seems like too much expensive work.

    I have a semi-blind spot for online gaming as in City of Heroes or World of Warcraft - I'm aware of the games thanks to friends and 'Net articles and webcomics, but I haven't experienced the games myself Since I've seen how people get sucked in, Dina and I are very glad!


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