What a relief...
I'm reviewing weather reports for Montreal, the temperature seems to be going back up again. I'm soft-skinned now, I don't think I can handle -20!
Only one-day left... I'm leaving tomorrow night, woohoo! Work is almost done, just cleaning up so when I come back in January, I'm ready to tackle the next release.
Only one-day left... I'm leaving tomorrow night, woohoo! Work is almost done, just cleaning up so when I come back in January, I'm ready to tackle the next release.
At 8:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
Kikou Méli :p c'est Marylène :p ! Je passais dans le coin et j'ai lu un peu ton blog ( histoire de pratiquer mon anglais :p ^^ hihi ) Mais bon, j'ai super hate de te revoir :D Pour le moment je te souhaite un joyeux temps des fêtes ! Et surtout prends soin de toi ! Allez gros bizou je t'aime bcp ! Joyeux noel !
Mary -xxx-
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