A Frog in BC

Hopefully clever comments about life in Vancouver, B.C. as lived by a French girl from Montreal

Sunday, January 27, 2008


I think I have to start blogging more often. I was going over recent posts and they try to cover too many things at once, without really covering anything well. Maybe little daily posts, capturing the thoughts of the moment?

I'm having a hard time focusing these days. Maybe a blog a day would help me order my thoughts and slow down this whirlwind of ideas and activities that are making my head spin. Ideas for work, ideas for school, thoughts about the future, about the present, about what I want, and what I am getting, about what I can give, about why I should care about certain things more, less about others.

I should really get back to Getting Things Done. The book is great for developing a personal system to manage ideas, tasks, etc. OK, let's make it one of the objectives of this week: finish Getting Things Done. I'm realistic and know I won't come up with a system overnight, but having a framework over which to build a system in the future is one step in the right direction.

So how about that regular blogging? One thing at the time I guess...

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