A Frog in BC

Hopefully clever comments about life in Vancouver, B.C. as lived by a French girl from Montreal

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Halo 2 casualties

Today was the day... the day that Microsoft was releasing Halo 2, the eagerly anticipated successor of one of the best games they released for Xbox to date. Tucker being an Xbox fan, he obviously took the day off to be part of the first-day release craze. And he'll probably play most of the week.

But I've made my peace with this video game madness. There's no way to fight it, you just have to put reasonable guidelines in place. No Xbox if I am invited over (it's only the polite thing to do). If the plan is to spend the evening playing Xbox, I should know. I won't hang around, I'm sure I can find something to fill an evening ;) That's it. Not too complicated, no time limits, the last thing I want to do is hear myself nagging about how much time is spent with the electronic girlfriend.

If we ever end up moving together (one day maybe), we MUST have a two-bedroom apartment, and the extra bedroom will be the game room, fairly soundproof, so I can close the door and not hear the barbaric killings and endless gun shootings.


  • At 6:34 AM, Blogger Steve said…

    And yet, I feel guilty when I play without Dina watching over my shoulder. She loves watching the cinematics and helping me find my way through the puzzles. She's also aces at spotting bits of treasure that I might not have picked up.

    On the other hand, she leaves the room when I lose my cool after dying fifteen times in a row.

    So there's a balance to be maintained.


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