A Frog in BC

Hopefully clever comments about life in Vancouver, B.C. as lived by a French girl from Montreal

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Now what? A half marathon, that's what!

Yes, yes, more silly projects, but they keep me busy and out of trouble. I work better with goals.

I have about 20 weeks to train until the Pacific Runners First Half Marathon in Vancouver. Might seem like a long time, but it's not, considering that I haven't done much running since "The Walk." My shins did hurt quite a bit after "The Walk" and I wanted to avoid injuries. With the return of the cool weather, I need some motivation to go out on a regular basis. Nothing like training on a deadline to get you going. I'm looking around for a good training schedule, something to keep me at the right pace to increase my running all the way to 21km.

Turkey-accessory shopping is almost done, I have my pan (with a rack), a meat thermometer, a baster (squirter?), some recipes (thanks Stephen!)... I have Lara working on appies and a soup, Geri is baking a pumpkin pie and butter tarts, Tucker is making some cookies and is going to help me with stuffing (cooked outside of the turkey, thank you very much). We're all set for a rich and filling dinner. Yum. I'm already looking forward to the leftovers ;)


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