A Frog in BC

Hopefully clever comments about life in Vancouver, B.C. as lived by a French girl from Montreal

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Back to school

Today and tomorrow are orientation days at SFU for students taking online graduate business courses, as I am (these are prerequisites for my MBA). This is a chance to meet with other students and talk about how we are going to handle online learning and virtual teams. So, this morning, instead of grabbing my regular bag and work ID, I filled my backpack with heavy books and headed back to school. It was kind of fun, actually.

Orientation day was filled with team building activities, learning about WebCT, our online learning environment, and familiarizing ourselves with the resources available to students. I was really impressed with the library resources and the amount of information that they make available to us online. Entire books, journals, specialized publications, all accessible from home, with the proper login information. Libraries have changed a lot since I last went to University, for the best. I think this semester will be a rewarding experience and I'm looking forward to starting the actual MBA classes, one year from now.

I guess I would love to go back to school full-time, to allow myself to really focus on the courses. However, I think that my current workplace will open many doors that might not be accessible without a bit of internal networking.


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