A Frog in BC

Hopefully clever comments about life in Vancouver, B.C. as lived by a French girl from Montreal

Friday, April 15, 2005

Slowly sinking in

Today was my last day at work and it felt really strange. I had already packed most of my stuff (when you take public transit to work, you have to plan for a few trips to haul your personals back), I only had to clean my coffee cup, return my keys, and say goodbye. I'll see coworkers next Friday at the farewell BBQ someone organized. But this is it. All done.

I have to say that the past two and a half years have been some crazy learning experience for me. I don't think I ever worked so hard and learned so much. But I'm ready to relax a bit now, work a more humane schedule. I think work assignments come in cycles. Before this last gig, I was working in a highly organized environment, updated more or less the same book for two years... I was on cruise control. Then, I moved to Vancouver for this job and let me tell you: I was the one driving but the road had plenty of obstacles. Now, I can't say the next assignment will put me back on cruise control, I still have to prove to this new company that I'm a good potential employee, should a permanent position open up. But I think this is a company that believes strongly in employees having a balanced life. Work hard, play hard, as they say. Enjoy both.


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