A Frog in BC

Hopefully clever comments about life in Vancouver, B.C. as lived by a French girl from Montreal

Monday, March 07, 2005

Life is good...

When you can have dinner and a night at the Vancouver Symphony for $19.43. I had a lovely evening with my coworker and his wife tonight. We drove downtown directly after work, picked up some rush tickets to see the Carmina Burana, ate some yummy falafel on the corner of Smythe and Granville, and sat in the second balcony at the Orpheum for a musical treat. The first piece of the night was from a local composer, Peter Hannan, who mixes a classical orchestra with electronic sounds of a synthesizer. The result is very hard to describe but very "visual". Images rush through your head as your are listening to the piece, vibrant colors and flashes. Never heard anything quite like this before...


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