Recent read
My latest read was a book by Beryl Markham called West with the Night. This was a truly inspiring book that kept me hooked night after night (and for not so many nights, because I read through it quite quickly). Beryl Markham is a woman who moves to Africa at an early age and lived there in the early to mid 20th century. She did many things that women would not even think of doing back then. She learned Swahili, hunted with natives, trained race horses and later in life, became a bush pilot. She was also the first pilot to cross the Atlantic East to West in 1936. You can imagine that no story coming from life of this extraordinary woman was boring :-) She was slightly chewed up by a lion, not always treated well by her horses, bit by all kinds of bugs...
At 11:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
Mom in Montreal,
Thank you for the suggestion, sounds like a great exchange, I am just finishing Happenstances by Carol Shields which talks about a couple's relation in transition. Very well written. Also, you can start reading from the front cover, the woman's version, or start from the back cover with the man's version.
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