A Frog in BC

Hopefully clever comments about life in Vancouver, B.C. as lived by a French girl from Montreal

Saturday, May 27, 2006

What's up?

OK, that was not fair... I changed my template and then stopped posting ;) Bear with me while I'm discovering there is no end to catching even nastier bugs. The latest update is that I have 1) a bad cold (and the coughing hasn't stopped, it just moved to my lungs) and 2) a lung infection, maybe a bit of pneumonia. I don't know what "a bit of pneumonia" means, but that's what my doctor said. I don't like this doctor, when I asked her about why she thought my immune system was suddenly giving up the fight, she kept on brushing my question away and telling me I'd have to take antibiotics for the infection. Thing is, lady, the infection is a symptom of something else gone wrong, work with me here... If we fix the infection without addressing the source of the problem, it will come back, no?

Lara suggested that I look into alternatives to "modern medicine". She's also not really impressed with regular doctors, and she mentioned that I should see an acupuncturist. Acupuncture treats people by also looking at the bigger picture, their overall well-being, diet habits, mental health... Everything is connected, that's actually something I believe in. I also believe in listening to what your body is telling you, and my body is telling me the cough and the lung infection is not what's wrong.

Mom had an interesting theory. Maybe I've developed an allergy to something airborne or something that I eat regularly. In fighting this allergene, my body would constantly be in reactive mode, and this could eventually lead to my immune system getting weak. My cough could be due to my nose leaking a bit and the throat getting irritated. This is definitely worth investigating further.

In the mean time, I'm taking time-off, trying to get some extra sleep, even with the coughing. I'm homebound all weekend, fortunately, I have the entire season 1 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Nip and Tuck to keep me entertained.

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