A Frog in BC

Hopefully clever comments about life in Vancouver, B.C. as lived by a French girl from Montreal

Monday, July 03, 2006

Happiness is... (part 2)

1. Going shopping for a bikini, FINDING a very cute bikini in the first store you hit and then being told the price tag is only $30.

2. Walking 22 kilometers around Vancouver (wait, the happy part is coming up), taking in the sights and sounds of an entire city enjoying the summer heat and waking up the morning after NOT feeling sore at all.

3. Going for dinner with friends, at a restaurant that has a beautiful terrace overlooking False Creek and being able to WALK to the restaurant in 10 minutes flat.

4. Knowing that your best friend is back from her two-week vacation in Haiti, she DIDN'T get kidnapped and she brings back a gift of local rhum.

This was truly a weekend to remember.

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