A Frog in BC

Hopefully clever comments about life in Vancouver, B.C. as lived by a French girl from Montreal

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Lara and Gerri would be so proud

This Fall, I decided to take on a pretty big challenge: improve my flexibility. I'm really bad, can't touch my toes unless I bend my knees. At this point in my life, it's not a major handicap (I just look really silly when I'm trying to touch my toes). However, as you get older, you loose flexibility and this is reflected on your posture. So if I start at zero flexibility when I'm 30, I'll be the hunchback of Vancouver by the time I'm 60.

Since I pay for a gym membership, I thought I'd better take advantage of it and decided to show up for some of the fitness classes they offer their members. Mondays are for core and stretching (core in this case being only abs and lower back, but that's OK). Tuesdays and Sundays are for yoga. And after I work out, I consciously try to spend more time stretching. And yoga is not so bad afterall. On Tuesday evenings, it's a very relaxing class from 8:30-9:45 p.m., after which I return home, have a shower, sit on my bed and read myself to sleep. A nice change from work, that's for sure...

Lara and Gerri (both yoga enthusiasts, Gerri even used to teach classes in Vancouver) have tried to encourage my taking yoga in the past and I think that their encouragement is finally paying off.
What really helps getting someone into practicing yoga? An orange yoga mat from Lululemon!!!


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