More stories from San Francisco
Our second full day in San Francisco, last Wednesday, was a very touristy day. We took a trolley bus to Pier 41 to get our tickets for Alcatraz. At 10:45, we boarded the ferry to the island, it was only a short sail away. We then spent about 3 hours visiting Alcatraz, including a 40 minute audio tour of the prison itself. Check out the picture of Tucker in a prison cell: they did not make them very big! After Alcatraz, we went out for lunch and had clam chowder soup in a bread bowl. Yum! Then, we went to see the sea lions that have adopted Pier 39 as their home (they are very noisy and kinda smelly). We walked through Fisherman's Warf, took the cable car up Hyde street (very hilly), shopped downtown, and ended the day with a baseball game (the Giants lost, but it was still fun!).
Waiting for the ferry to Alactraz

Waiting for the ferry to Alactraz

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